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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Water Damage Insurance Details

9/16/2022 (Permalink)

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There are many factors to consider when it comes to determining water damage coverage, but it is also one of the most important parts of any homeowners’ insurance policy. 

You can begin to understand why having the best possible coverage is so important when you consider that one out of every fifty homeowners will file a water damage claim each year.

Of course, the amount of your deductible will affect how much you’ll get in return, as that cost will come off the top of your claim.

Also, the type of your policy can affect how much you can get in a claim.

Cash value policies only guarantee the current value of your property, taking wear and tear into account, while a

Replacement value policy will give you the full amount of a new item.

While specific policy prices can vary from company to company, when asking how much is water damage insurance the answer can depend on certain steps you can take to help reduce your costs.

You should always shop around and never be afraid to ask any relevant questions so that you can compare each company’s prices and know exactly what you’re getting.

In many cases, you can also save yourself money in the long run by raising your deductible

Since the amount you get from a claim can depend on how quickly you respond when disaster strikes, you can also help to save yourself money by hiring a professional water remediation company like SERVPRO. 

Not only can SERVPRO address your water damage thoroughly with our trained professionals and high tech equipment, we can also help you file your insurance claim so that you can get the best possible result.

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