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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

3 Parts To Check When a Commercial Toilet Keeps Running

10/2/2020 (Permalink)

Being prepared is the best way to deal with damage.

Your Denver, CO commercial building’s toilets need to run efficiently for the comfort of your employees and customers. However, when a plumbing issue like a toilet overflow happens, it can be unpleasant for everyone. This problem may be caused by a variety of issues, but some can be fixed without the assistance of a plumber. If a toilet keeps running, there are several parts you can check before you call in a flood damage and cleanup service to ensure your bathrooms are properly dried and deodorized after an overflow.

1. The Gasket

Once you turn off the water, the first step to take is to open the winter flushometer. This is the part that causes a commercial toilet to flush efficiently. Use a screwdriver and a wrench to remove this unit’s lid. The gasket is usually located directly under the lid. If it contains a lot of debris or buildup, carefully remove and clean the gasket thoroughly.

2. The Weep Hole

A commercial toilet’s weep hole controls its suction, so when it gets clogged, this may affect water flow and cause a continuous flush. When you remove the toilet’s gasket, take a close look at this small hole. Clean it carefully with a slim tool and ensure all the sediment and other debris is cleared out. This may stop a toilet from flushing constantly and prevent a future toilet flood.

3. The Flange Cover

If this part is loose or corroded, it may be affecting the unit’s proper operation and contribute to a toilet overflow. Note how much water you find under the cover. If there is enough to run over when you remove it, there may be a leak in the gasket or the cover might be faulty, and one or both could need replacing.

When your Denver, CO commercial building experiences a toilet overflow, it can be embarrassing and unpleasant. However, you may be able to repair it by checking and cleaning a few important parts inside the unit to prevent future floods.

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